Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Musing on parenting 2 year olds...

This is a difficult year for any child/family and it's made much more difficult by the added anxiety and control issues that come with attachment issues.

Don't worry.. the No No No stuff often goes away..... but it takes about 6 months... and it comes back again when they are 4-1/2 and if they don' t get it all out of their system then.. .it comes back again when they are 12....and I hear again at 16 or 17 yrs. This is a long term project.

You might find now is a good time to get a copy of the book "your 2 year old" by Ames and Ilng - I also found great comfort in the book "Your Baby and Child" by Peneope Leach. When my dd was in the thoes of NoNoNo-ism I used to sing her a song... actually, I sang it more for my own sanity.... It goes to the tune of Row Row Row your boat... but really any tune will do:

No no No no no
No No no no no
no no no no no no no
no no no no YES!

yes yes yes yes yes
yes yse yese yes yse
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes

Yes no yes no no
No yes no yes no
yes no yes no yes no yes
no no no no Maybe

Sometime we could even reach mutual giggles. not that often really, but it was nice when it happened. Lots of good wishes to you during this trying year. You will probably find out you can take a lot more than you think you can.. You are made of sterner stuff than you ever imagined... that's the real magic of parenting. Alexis

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